Human beings are flowers

There is a song we sang when i was little which said "Binadamu ni maua" which literally translated means human beings are flowers. I never understood those words, until this morning. While watching `Guten morgen Deutschland` there came some news which got me thinking...

They were reporting about Gela Allmann, a very beautiful and trained sports model whose life changed in a blink of an eye after sliding down a rocky hill during a photo shooting section. Can you imaging hitting one rock after the other as the gravity pulls you down a rocky snowy mountain? What goes through your mind? All Frau Allmann thought was; There is no way i can survive this, my life is over! She suffered all kind of injury. Every part of her body was broken. She described herself as "Trümmerhaufen" wreckage. Everything that she was, was no more. She did survive and has worked incredibly hard since to get herself back. She might even catch up on her extreme sports one day. Does that not make you think a little bit about your life. That it could change in a second. And all your plans could be redundant.

How often do we take life for granted?  As though tomorrow is promised to us. How much effort we put in planning our life, as though its ours to decide. We go to bed confident to wake up the next morning when the alarm clock rings. We concentrate on the future plans and forget about today.
Dalai Lama was once asked what surprised him most and this is what he said:

“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

I love making plans myself. What experiments to do tomorrow and which next week. I plan what time to read the paper and when to write my blog. I plan when to wake up and when to visit a friend. Life itself forces us sometimes to make plans. But lets not get buried in our plans and forget to live today.

Who knows, tomorrow might not come. Human beings are fragile beings, just like flowers. Live today as long as you still can.

Have a blessed weekend.

Lots of luv,
