It's okay not to be OK!

Can Picafort            Photo by Tobi.P

How can you be happy 24 hours, every day of the week, 12 months a year!?

I was raised to be a strong woman. To be always in control of my life. I was taught that life is tough and that there is neither room nor time to show weakness.

Its a great thing to be able to catch the lemons and the limes that life throw at us and to make some sweet-sauer delicious lemonade from them. Its amazing to be able to see beyond the problem and make the best out of every situation.

But certainly, its just as great not to be okay sometimes.

I acknowledge being guilty as charged on the matter.

I'm the one to tell my daughter not to be sad that she did not do so well in this exam. "You will do better next time," i will tell her.

I tell my girl friend not to cry because the guy she fancies didn't call her after their first date. "He doesn't deserve you," i try to convince her.

Don't be angry that you lost your pet-bird, shes now in a better place.

Don´t be disappointed that you didn't get the job, you will get even a better one next time.

Its not so long time ago that i understood that its okay to be sad or angry or disappointed or even all of them at the same time. 

If my daughter is sad for not doing her best, then i let her be sad. If a friend cries over her guy, then i let her cry. If he is angry over a loss of any kind, then i let them be.

There is still enough time to be optimistic tomorrow.

Only when we let out the feelings we are dealing with now, then we can move-on. Thinking positive will thereafter be an easy children game (Kinderspiel).

Have a great and whichever feeling filled week!

Thanks for stopping by, till next read...

Lots of luv,


  1. Can't agree more with you my Rossie!


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