Photo by Tobi.P |
Genug jetzt! I always tell myself when my whining start becoming a pain in my neck.
I think we can all agree that it costs perseverance and stamina to entertain whining people for longer periods of time.
You know the people i´m talking about, right?
Those who complain and whine twenty-four-seven all year long . Folks who never shut up and complain steadly about the same thing. How horrible life is. How bad their boyfriends treat them. How they hate their jobs. How their friends are not spontaneous enough. How their children are naughty. How their parents are demanding, how ugly their legs etc etc.
The complaining is not the problem, don´t get me wrong there. For heavens sake everyone complains.
It feels really good talking to somebody about a problem. We get it off our shoulders, we receive understanding and affirming reactions, we get great advice. We might even get some consolation and other time we get to hear stories from others who face the same problem and so we know we are not alone.
But doesn't it irritate you hearing the same complaint day in day out. A week, a month and even for years.
Honestly, my grousing get into my own nerves sometimes. For example my whining about my hair.
"For goodness sake Rose!, we have heard that your hair doesn't grow a million times. Get over it already!!!" my friends must think of me by now.
Talking about it once, twice or three times is fine. But when it exceeds that, then we should concede to having a problem.
In case of such a problem we literally have two options:
#Do something about it!
If your boyfriend beats you, don't complain about it to your friends; in stead force him to change or leave him. If your kids are difficult, don't complain to other mothers about it, but try a different parenting strategy. If you don't like your job, try to make it more interesting or find yourself another one.
Which ever way; do something. If it does not work out, then complain about the disappointing trial, but just try and do something to change the situation. After several trials and failures, then maybe you need to try point number two.
#Accept and embrace the situation!
If we can not change the situation, then we need to accept and embrace it. Accept your beating boyfriend (No! please don't do that), accept your boring job, accept your naught kids, accept your demanding parents.... And try and make the best out of it.
Learning this lesson has helped me to be in peace with myself.
My hair doesnt grow, so i found alternatives and now i change my hairstyle everyday. Not the same, but hey, i´m good and in peace with that.
Let us stop the constant complaining. It helps neither us nor those around us.
I wish you all a great new week.
Lets keep our fingers crossed for the German-team tomorrow!
A big HUUUUG to all my readers!
Lots of luv
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