5 things Germans need to know!

This is something that has been bothering me for a while now. I guess i might have spoken to someone here and there about it too.

Its all about the complaining German. When you hear a German complain about this and that you will definitely ask yourself the same thing i asked myself: WTH?

What is all this complaining about?

And at long run i realized that most Germans have no idea how insanely and outrageously good they have. Its not because they haven't traveled enough and seen the world. No, no. Germans are right on top of the list of people who love traveling. At least once a year a German has to go on vacation. Urlaub is a holy thing for the German. The problem is; going on holiday somewhere and actually living in that place are totally different things.

So, today will take a minute and address five things a German need to know, or rather need to be told! These are the exact 5 things that make Germany a great country.

1. The social system: I have to start with the social system because its just incredible how a social system can be so organized to take care of every class of people in that country. I´m talking about the less fortunate getting social help (HARZT IV, social apartments, social travelling tickets..etc), people between jobs getting jobless money (Arbeitslosengeld), mothers getting maternity leave for a whole year (Kenyans get a month or two at most, then they should be back at work), children getting Kindergeld and so on and so forth. Incredible!

2. The education system: Of-coz i have to mention the education system. i´ve been studying for most of my life :-). Coming from Kenya where parents had to sacrifice everything they had in order to take their kids through school, i know how important education is. And then imagine me coming here and finding out that education here is free. From the first grade to the university level. Woooow....i know! Now close your mouth, lets go to point number 3.

3. The health system: I must admit that before i came here i didn't really know much about health insurances. In Kenya is more a "You don't have the money, no treatment for you" kinda situation. which of coz increases the mortality rate of any given illness. I Germany on the other had, health insurance is compulsory. Yep! you heard me right. You kinda have no choice on that. The health insurance cost are calculated according to the amount of income you earn. Before an official worker gets their salary in their account, the health insurance has already been reducted. This covers all the basic health care including gynecologists, dentists..etc.

4. The transparency: This is one point that is really underrated. I´m talking about transparency in every sector. There is nothing like mambo ya nyuma nyuma. Most of documents are official and can not be changed.  There is nothing like "Das geht nicht; aber mit einem Hunderter kann ich schauen was ich tun kann!".  This leads to a lot of paperwork, which drives many people here crazy; but at long run, this is something you can count and rely on. Transparency extends to prices. No bargaining, the price written is the price to be paid, full stop! There are no tourists prices and locals prices like we have in Kenya.
The transparency is also visible in the food and pharmaceutical departments. You are always informed on what is it you are buying. You buy bad stuff not because of lack of information, but because you don´t care and you dont give a damn!

5. Germans first: My last point will have to go to the "citizens first" rule. I know many Germans don't know this, but for whichever position a foreigner might be applying (job, or university...etc) the German always has the priority.
Seriously; if i get a job, my boss needs to write a letter to the foreigners office informing them that no qualified German had applied for this position, before they can give me a working visa.

If you are a German who has been complaining about your country;  i hope i could somehow convince you that this is a great country that you live in.

And for all the other countries (like Kenya), i wish we could take this as an example to structure our country for success.

Thanx so much for the great support from everyone of you.
Sorry for not posting a video on Sunday. I had an Internet problematic.

There is a video parallell to this post. Make sure you check that out!!!

Till sunday, stay blessed...
Lots of luv,
