The world today

The world today

Gazing at the world today
I´m outraged from day to day
The anxiety of yesterday
And the tribulations of this day
Lead to the uncertainty of the next day

I´m not afraid just for my life
But for that husband and that wife
And anyone else who didn't want to drive
Because life can be terminated in train with a knife
We humans have become like wildlife

Why is there so much hate in the world?
Every aspect of life is twirled and whirled
And the connecting lines are all burled
Race, religion, gender; all have been unfurled
Towards each other insults have been hurled

It is harrowing how worthless life has become
killing today is like cutting down a coco-plum
Humans act as though drunk from Jamaican-rum
The scramble for power has made all of us so dumm
Unfortunately our children will have to face the outcome

What about a plan to change the fate
For our children and grand-children´s sake
A plan to give each other a handshake
Instead of being each others back-biting snake
A plan to make us all alert and awake

It´s time to put a stop to the blood shed
A time to help those who are misled
And others who left home and have fled
Its time to show some love instead
And help this world to be everyone's homestead

                                                        by ItsRose_Beth

Lots of luv
