Raise the bar!

Photo by ItsRose_Beth

"Raise the bar, Rose!" My friend T. has said to me this on several occasions.

Especially when i get above and beyond myself when someone gives me a caramel cookie. You know those crunchy caramel cookies which accompany your cappuccino at the Segafredo cafés? They taste like Spekulatius only without the cinnamon flavor.  Those cookies are so delicious, in fact the thought of it right now gets me salivating.

 And every time someone presents me such a cookie i can not calm myself from all the excitement. And so T. is always there to tell me to raise my bar.

"Raise the bar, Rose!" she will constantly remind me. 

And every time i wonder:

"What the hell does she mean with that?"

"My bar is already so high!" i tell myself

"I want to achieve the best education that i can possibly achieve, i want to educate and bring up my children the best possible way. I want to do my job to best of my ability!" " I´m always trying to give my best and trying to be better." "My bar is high enough!" I think to myself

The thing is, I am a really simple person. The smallest things get me really content and happy. Maybe that is why people consider me a happy person.

But the more i think about it, the more i realise what T. was trying to tell me.

It was not the bar of what i expect of myself, because i think i have that bar quite high, it is the bar of what i expect of others. As a matter of fact, i genuinely expect nothing from anybody. May it be my parents, friends, my babe, my daughter, my family.... name it.

That´s why when any of them does even the smallest of an effort, the tiniest of a good gesture, it just gets me so overwhelmed with joy.

I do agree with T though, that one should definitely raise the bar when it comes to certain things.

Most virtues are two way streets.

So, When you give your respect, Is it okay for you to expect that respect back?

When give your love, is it okay to expect that love back?

When you offer something, is it okay to expect gratitude?

Do such expectations from others make us unhappy?

I love reading your comments. Don´t hesitate. I reply to every comment.

And if there is anything that you would love me to write about, please let me know.

In writing or in video format.

1,000,000 thanks for passing by.

Lots of luv
