
Have you ever had a dream so real and so intrinsic, that when you wake up you are not sure if it was illusion or if it actually happened?

I have.

I wake up angry at babe, asking him, "how could you do this to me!?" And he wakes up confused, opens his eyes and goes.."do what!?" "You know what you did.... don´t act so innocent....etc..." The drama scene continues until it hits me...Oh, that was just a dream...!

I´m not the only one. Ive seen people wake up screaming their lungs out coz apparently they were falling off a cliff. Or others get married a thousand times in their dreams, only to wake up and there is no ring in their finger!

Dreams have existed longer than mankind. Some indigenous tribes believe that dreams connect the living with their ancestors. These are mainly the dreams about a loved one who passed away. Others considered dreams as evil and a temptation from the devil. In Christianity, dreams are broadly used in the bible, spreading all the way from the old testament to the new testament. Philosophers on the other side argue that, that which you and I consider "The real world" might actually be just a dream...(brrrrrrh..scary, right?)

"Dreams are unconscious wishes to be interpreted," J. Allen Hobson and Robert McCarley proposed in 1976.

Oneirology is the study of dreams. Neuro-Scientists have intensively studied this phenomena. dreams take place during the REM phase. This is the rapid eye movement phase where the electroencephalogram (EEG) measures a high brain activity as though the person were awake.

Did you know that in a normal lifespan, a person spends almost 6 years dreaming!? Crazy, right? That is like two hours each night.

During a dream, the activity in the pre-frontal cortex shows almost no activity, meaning that the region responsible for logic and strategic thinking is inactive. The people are therefore not aware that they are dreaming. That is why dreams are so illogical. Scenes of places that don´t exist and activities that are impossible; just like perfume adverts :-)

An average person dreams  2 hours every night, but why do we forget our dreams so fast? Dreaming is an unessential wondering of the brain. Our brain saves only that information which is important. (at least for most of the people...). Low concentrations of norepinephrines are said to be responsible for the forgetting.

What ever your plans for the weekend are, make sure you have a long refreshing sleep filled with sweet dreams :-)!

Thanks for stopping by.

Lots of luv

