When an employee starts on a new position in Germany, he or she has to first pass something they call "die Probezeit". The probation time is mostly a six month duration, set by the employer to allow the employee a trial-period. During this time, the employer can fire the employee at any given time and the employee can leave at any pleasing time. There is neither insurance for the employer, nor protection of the employee during the probation period.

Nevertheless, this is a perfect and golden opportunity for both of them.

"Why so?" you are wondering.

It´s perfect for those of us who are ready to step out of their comfort zones and try new career opportunities.  How wonderful is it, that the employee is offered a non-bounding period where he can test the temperature of his bathing water with his toes without having to blindly jump in full body. If the water is not his expected temperature he has the choice to get back in his bathrobe and leave.  No questions asked, no strings attached.

Life is such a colourful and enigmatic carousel that we have to ride in, on our few and counted days that we spend on this planet earth. We strive hard to discover new breath-taking and adventurous things and places, but it is impossible to live it all in such a limited time range.

We want to be mothers, doctors, painters, singers, scientist, actresses, wives, authors...and so much more. How great would it be, if life offered a "Probezeit"?

If we were born in a family for a short period, just to check out we fit in there and if we liked our relatives and vis-versa? If we were born black or white, red or yellow just for a while to test the compatibility with the race, If we were born male or female and allowed to test it for a while,  If we could become mothers for a few months and check out how we like motherhood, If we like it, we stay, if not, we leave. No questions asked, no strings attached.

Unfortunately not all aspects of life offer a probation period!

We were brought into this world just the way we are, with most of the strings attached.

We need to know the difference between the fixed strings and those that we can adjust, change or even cut off. For the fixed strings, its time to accept them and move on. For the other strings, lets not spend our whole life on probation.

I would say; life on probation is life not fully lived!

When we find that place that we belong, we should never trade it for anything else on earth.

Because no matter how thrilling the probation period is, what the employer and employee strive for, is that bounding contract. That signed piece of paper that guarantees the employer and protects the employee.

That which we all strive for is a place to call HOME!. A place with guarantee and protection.

As for me, I can not wait for the probation time to be over to enjoy life in full swing.

How that works, I´ll definitely keep you posted.
