The German and the sun

Foto by Tobi.P

The German has a very special relationship with the sun.

Most people who come from warm or should i better say hot countries like i do, can not understand this relationship. We take the sun very for-granted. The sun rises at seven in the morning and sets at seven in the evening. We don´t really care much about it. We might complain now and then that the sun is too hot, and some seasons the farmers suffer crop loss because of too much sun and too little rain, but apart from the complains, we don´t really give a damn.

More so, we wonder and stare at white tourists who come all the way across the continent just to stretch out a bench at the beach and lie there under the hot sun. Just lie down there doing nothing. "What the hell are they doing"? we will all ask. "They are sunning themselves"... we are told. To which we  just shake our head and say something like..."white people do weird things!!!"

Staying in Germany for a while, you will finally get to understand this relationship.
You will even end up having the same weird relationship with the sun like the German has.

When you struggle through the winter season...oh, yes i say struggle because its literally a struggle. Not because of the sun per-se, but its about the whole atmosphere. The dullness in the air pulls down everybody's mood. People show decreased appetites and libidos. Cheerlessness(Trübseligkeit), energy-less, sleepiness; these are symptoms of a recognized disease called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

When you go to work in the morning at 8 am its dark. You leave work at 5 pm its still dark. You never get to see the light of the day because the daylights are really short.

Days go by and everyday you wish to finally see the sun, just a glimpse of some sun rays.

When that day finally comes, you need to be there to believe me because the German goes crazy!!!

Saturday plans are suddenly cancelled and they have coffee at the cafe´ on the other side of the  road where  the terrace is open. The evenings are spent in the numerous beer gardens (Biergarten) sipping all kinds of beverages. Any free minute during the day is spent in the parks, on the grass or on the benches. You will see people take off their clothes while in the parks just to have their body kissed by the sun.

While walking to work today, I literally stopped a few seconds, closed my eyes and  faced the sun to let the sun rays fall on my face. It was an incredible feeling to finally have those rays touch my skin.

And just like that, i finally understand this special relationship the German has with the sun.

If you live in a warm country, take a moment to appreciate those sun rays, because someone somewhere is dreaming of such  a day under the sun!!!

Enjoy the amazing sunny weekend folks!!!

Lots of luv


  1. So so true! I always complained about the heat until I came to Germany. Winter is so gloomy and it seems like it takes me down with it. I feel tired, queasy (unwohl) and totally unmotivated. Every sunray in Spring is so welcome. I can't wait for some more positive degrees celcious. Be blessed for the read Rosebeth!

  2. I´m always counting down the days to spring. Be blessed too for reading..


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